Assessment Policy , Classes NUR TO U.K.G.

1. A System of Comprehensive Continuous Evaluation is followed during the Academic Session.

2. Performance during the Academic Session is evaluated through a Comprehensive Continuous Assessment of Class Performance , Home Assignment , Projects and Worksheets. Co-operation of parents/guardians is required to enforce discipline and Regularity in studies at home. Parent should ensure that ward is punctual , regular in attending classes and in doing Home work. Criteria for evaluation of students performance :
a. Class performance : Participation in Class Activities , Attentiveness and Concentration.
b. Home Assignments : Regularity of Submission of Homework and Neatness.
c. Projects : Presentation of Projects , Quality of Work , Compatibility to the objectives and instructions given.

3. Grading System :
A+ - 90% - 100% - Outstanding
A - 80% - 89.9% - Very Good
B+ - 70% - 79.9% - Good
B - 60% - 69.9% - Satisfactory Effort
C - 50% - 59.9% - Average
D - 40% - 49.9% - Needs improvement
E - Unable to cope with the class average

4. Any student who absents him/herself from any of the worksheets , will be considered as having no grades in that particular worksheet.

Get in touch

Prem Nagar
P.O. Box: Joya, N.H.24.
District - AMROHA(U.P.)

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